I have spent an age trying to find the perfect chair. It had to be comfy, large enough for me to sit cross legged in it, but not so enormous that it won't fit through the doors. I have learnt the hard way about buying furniture too big for the house. My beloved Chesterfield armchair for which I contemplated removing the living room window, but was eventually persuaded to see sense had to be sold back to the dealer. I have however now found armchair Nirvana.
Ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you to the self proclaimed "comfiest chair in the world" a classic G-plan chair, who has become known around these parts as Gregory. Gregory came into my life around November, and after a short time of being pushed from pillar to post in order to accommodate the Christmas tree he has now come to find a resting place by the large window in the sitting room overlooking the back garden.
After a couple of evenings sitting, spinning round and proclaiming "I have been expecting you Mr Bond" at the top of our voices Gregory became an integral part of my routine. I now spend most mornings sat in that corner of the living room, reading the news in the early morning sunlight with a searing hot cup of coffee.
The best thing of all though, was that Gregory was FREE. Not cannily blagged, borrowed or paid for, but FREE. With thanks to a lovely gentleman up the road who advertised the chair on Freegle. Freegle has easily become my favorite thing in the world. People advertise items they no longer want and wait for offers of collection to flood in. Then the hardest part is choosing who you want to come and pick your item up. Its FANTASTIC. Its like recycling, antiques shopping and going to a digital jumble sale all at once.
Congratulations on finally finding the love of your chair. Gregory is hot. You are lucky. I am jealous.