Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tom McRae and Brian Wright..

Sat at work late yesterday evening (not through conviction to work you understand) I was interrupted by the melodic 'bing' that was a new email dropping into my inbox. I was half way through listening to Laura Marling's album and so was somewhat disgruntled by being so rudely coerced into looking at my email. The email in question was not however the usual gripe about car parking, or an email asking me to sponsor someone, donate to a retirement fund etc etc etc. It was Dolan's Warehouse offering me a free gig!
I like a freebie, I'm an unrepentant blagger at the best of times, but FREE is most definitely my favorite word. Tom McRae had invited all of Limerick to come and party with him, what an opportunity, and one not to be missed.
I suppose McRae first dropped onto my radar in 2001, after his Mercury Music Prize nomination. I expect to the difficult (read: average/angst ridden) teenager the lyrics of 'End of The World News' on his debut self titled album had some resonance. Last night was not the first time I have seen McRae, having seen him at some point in 2007 I believe, but last night was by far and away better.
The evening was opened by the simply splendid Brian Wright.
I'm not usually completely crazy about seeing the support, I'm definitely not one of those who is hammering down the venue door to get in, but last night I was extremely glad I was, usually for me, prompt. Althgouh I did not see all of Wrights set last night I did pick up a CD, due to my sheer respect for any artist who can command a stage entirely alone. Wright's ability as a raconteur cannot be doubted with an obvious nod to American folk loric story telling in his music. As well as a tour of the ground trodden previously by artists such as Bob Dylan, Lou Reed and Bruce Springsteen, Wright claims to be a pioneer in his own right. Joining a new brand of American song writers in trying to create something of a modern American opera.
Moving on from Wright's excellent finger picking Banjo, Harmonica and Acoustic guitar came the floor vibrating noise sensation that was the full Tom McRae band. Wright joined McRae on stage as lead and slide guitarist, along with a cellist, a pianist, whom McRae acknowledged as the driving force behind the tour, a bass guitarist who also played the double bass and a percussionist (I am reluctant to use the word 'drummer' given his ability to play in a manner akin to an orchestral percussionist!) The evening comprised of wonderful crescendo's as well as softer moments. The highlight of which was a perfect rendition of Still Love You in which McRae and his band took to the Warehouse floor to perform. McRae's ability to make the crowd panda to his whims led to us singing, whilst he enjoyed his pint of Guinness. There was a sense of humour about the entire evening, and the gig felt like it was something completely unique and fantastically special. This is no doubt partly due to the cabaret style seating provided in Dolan's last night, but in the most part the magic was due to the friendly atmosphere that both Wright and McRae managed to create, as an audience member I certainly felt like I was a bigger part of something than merely a passive observer.
McRae and Co. continue their tour around Ireland, the UK and the rest of Europe well into April, and come heartily recommended!Now I'm off to find my copy of Blonde on Blonde and remember why I enjoy American music, especially when its sung by strangely attractive beardy weirdies! Ahem.

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